Monday, February 15, 2010

1 of 4: Elite Guard of Imagi- Daniel St-George

Daniel St-George is a holy warrior. He has taken an oath to protect Imagi-Nation from evil forces. Bestowed by heritage with the greatest weapon known in this realm, he seeks to be a Paladin. The Woodengram's (Wooden=Odin, gram= sword in German) purpose is to slay dragons. It is said that the Woodengram is not only an unbreakable sword that can penetrate the scales of a dragon with ease, it can also defend the wielder against a dragon's magic. Daniel often makes pilgrimages to see the grave of his father, Sigurd, who passed on the sword to him.

Daniel is serious, calm, and thoughtful. He is second in command to Ben Collins in The Elite Guard. However, the presence of a dragon, real or imagined, sends Daniel into a blind fury. He will neglect the party to face the dragon alone, as he feels it is his duty to protect his kind from evil. His daily regimen includes an hour of combat training against an invisible dragon. If a person mocks him practicing jumping over a dragon's tail, avoiding fire breath, and avoiding dragon bites; and precision sword wielding; he will lecture them on the evils of dragons once his private training session is over, making them wish they never interrupted his ritual.  

Daniel St-George's name comes from two mythical dragon slayers. The Bible's Daniel poisoned Nebuchadnezzar's dragon. (named Tannin but not mentioned by name in the Bible) He wanted to prove to the King the dragon was mortal, and that God is the only entity that should be worshipped.

Saint George is another Christian dragon slayer. There are many variations of the story, but the consistent threads are:
  • The virgin princess is offered as a sacrifice
  • Saint George, on horse back, rescues the princess (knight in shining armor)
Some stories say he gave the princess a collar to put around the dragon's neck and she "domesticated" the dragon with her beautiful voice. In this thread, the princess rigs the lottery as she has pity on the peasant girls offered to be sacrificed (a more likely scenario to make nobility look like the hero)
Others stories included a heroic battle between Saint George and the dragon. When the dragon's blood spilled, a bed of red roses grew instantly on the arid ground .

Daniel is quite aware despite his Author's presence in Imagi-Nation that there is something out there greater than Davinci. While others think Davinci is the greatest entity in existence. Davinci will test his faith when he proves to him dragon's aren't evil, but have been doing a better job protecting his realm. Daniel's faith will be restored when Davinci confides his fears of mortality to him, even in a fantasy realm he created.

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